The Pain Behind College Drop-Off
As I exited off the freeway to take I-5 home, I burst into uncontrollable tears. Not the subtle sobs of a mom who just dropped her oldest off at college for year two.
But the kind of crying that leaves you short of breath.
For a few minutes, I didn’t know what was going on.
I was for sure sad that I was leaving my girl on a large campus in an even larger City, but drop-off had been so much better than last year… so where was this deep emotion coming from?
To figure out what was happening, I did the opposite of what I usually do. Instead of stopping the tears so I could continue on, I let them flow—probably not the safest way to drive, but 🤷♀️.
After a few minutes, I realized my tears were about so much more than driving away from my first baby.
It was about how out of control midlife can feel.
There is SO much that happens to us after we hit 40, and most of us are powering on because we don’t know what else to do.
🌟 We suffer through declining hormones.
🌟 We hold it together as we say goodbye to our kids.
🌟 We struggle to make more time for our aging parents.
🌟 We wonder about our future with our husband or partner.
🌟 We worry about life on the other side of motherhood.
And that’s just a few things on the list of “midlife trains we can’t stop.” Research suggests there are more than 13 midlife milestones, and most of them go unspoken.
But here’s what I want alllll of us to pay attention to… it’s not any one milestone that can make us feel like we’ve lost all control. It’s the culmination of them.
That’s when we can start to feel powerless or at the mercy of others.
If you’re feeling a little off, or like me, feel like you just got kicked in the teeth, I hope my story will either help you move through where you are or help you prepare for the pressure of midlife.
No matter where you stand on the spectrum of midlife, here’s a quick tip to help you process your feelings—one that is free and has helped more than therapy.
✏️ Journaling.
That’s it.
Get it out of your head and onto paper so you can feel and release your emotions rather than sit in them.
👉 While midlife may feel like madness, some things are still in your power, but when you’re neck deep in it, it’s hard to believe you have any control at all.
I refuse to let all of the external forces run the show (for me or you).
It’s time to focus on what we can change and figure out how to live the next chapter of our lives.
👉 P.S. If you want to minimize the frustration and pain of midlife, join my Path & Purpose Midlife Plan live workshop this fall— get on the waitlist 🌟 here.🌟
If you’re ready to take the wheel and find more fulfillment, this is for you.