Jennifer Chaney Midlife Mentor For Moms

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Let Them Be Little


There will come a day when he will be the largest thing in the kitchen. When using the cabinet as a stepping stool won’t be necessary. When he’s called upon to grab something off of the top shelf. Until then, he is a ball of determination. He knows he wants something out of his reach, and he’ll do what it takes to get it.

He’s courageous. He’s not thinking of the consequences. He’s troubleshooting. He’s living as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

And he doesn’t.

Because this is childhood.

It’s creative, courageous, and consequence-free.

Imagine if we checked our worry and stress at the door and let them truly live in their childhood?

What will they be like as adults?

Will our adult children take risks and not shy away from failure? Will they jump even when others say they shouldn’t? Will they live their lives with the freedom of a child simply because we allowed it when they were children?

These are the things I think of when I see this photo. I see a child standing up to a challenge… and winning. I see a child solving a problem. I see his future because his mom let him be a child.

It gives my heart the strength to back off the reins and let my kids explore their world a little more. And it gives me the insight to allow myself to do the same.

To let go more.
To play.
To see the world through youthful eyes.

Let them be little.

P.S. If you’re a lifestyle family photographer looking to find your vision, message me. I can help.