Spoiler Alert: It’s not about taking up a new hobby or joining a book club!

After dropping your child off for college or watching them close the front door to their tiny apartment across town, many moms experience some version of this story…

“I wasn’t ready to come home to see his empty room. I had to close his door and wait a few days to tear the bandaid off, and then I lay in his room crying, staring at what was left of his childhood—-old soccer trophies, a closet with clothes he left behind, and a box of old toys leftover from his youth. It was hard but healing for me to go through his stuff and remember all the bits I could of those days.”

It’s heartwrenching and at the same time, you need to know it’s totally ok to feel this deeply about your kids leaving the house.

This is a major life milestone.

So if you’re feeling lost, miss being needed, or wonder if anything can ever fill this void, you’re not alone. It’s soooo important to feel your feelings that’s what will help you move forward and not get stuck in the gloom. 

And when you're ready, consider this... 

You likely had to give up many ideas about your own life to make room for the children you adore with all of your heart.

For nearly two decades, you've naturally put your children’s (and likely everyone else's) needs above your own, and most moms find it really tough to shift the focus back to themselves.

But the truth is, your calendar is now. open. 🙌

The time you’ve been dying to have to yourself is here! 

It’s both exciting and scary. 

But now’s the time to move into your “on-call mom” era and step back from parenting so you can step into your life. 

With the drop in demands, you have time to spend time with your friends, discover your interests, or simply lounge around on Saturday morning, enjoying your open calendar

Having this space means you can finally curate your life to have more meaning and value than “just” being a mom. 

I know, I know…
It can be terrifying.

? Like, where do you even begin when you have no idea who you are? 
? What if you don’t feel like you have a purpose anymore? 
? Or will you ever feel okay in such a quiet (and empty) house?

If you’re willing to take one tiny step at a time, with my guidance, you can gradually ease into this next stage of your life with more joy and confidence.

Since 2020, I've devoted my professional life to discovering and researching ways for moms to fully take advantage of their newfound free time and empty calendars.

I’ve read the books, listened to the experts, and interviewed hundreds of older parents, so you don’t have to. 

This free download is a low-key but effective introduction to finding more meaning in this next stage of life. 

You’ll explore four key concepts to help you let go of fear, find contentment, and, hopefully, excitement.

When we launch our kids into the world, we also clear the runway to launch ourselves. 

This is your opportunity to craft your days around what YOU find meaningful, nurture your relationships, and, most importantly, reconnect with who you are in midlife so you can live the next 18+ years on your terms.

    A free guide

    👏 Plus, you’ll be added to my email list where we’ll continue the “life in midlife” conversation.

    "Your emails are GOLD. I hear your voice as I read and man - what insight! "

    —Myaann Payne