Life in Midlife: work, play & parenting
Shortcuts and articles for moms of all stages pushing to be a better person, parent, and partner.
The Easiest Way to Glide Through Pandemic Life
TAKE BACK CONTROL. We all know this disruption to our daily routines has been (and continues to be) a real threat to our mental and physical health, but you might not realize our thoughts keep us on this downward trend. To stop the decline, we have to shift gears and stop telling ourselves, "everything will be fine."
One Photo: Chores, Kids, & Happiness
COMBAT THE DRAIN OF INVISIBLE WORK. And teach your kids helpful habits. From work to parenting, to household chores, we need to think about long-term gains rather than short-term returns.
Desk In A Box Helps Maser #WFH
CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN. Start by reducing the disorder in our homes. It’s time to create new systems so everyone can coexist harmoniously under one roof. Desk In A Box is a simple way to learn how to work from home.
The Accidental Martyr
BREAK BAD HABITS, RAISE STRONG DAUGHTERS & COMPASSIONATE SONS. Learn how to understand your needs and the importance of communicating them clearly.
Free Photo Class :: Shelter Silver Linings
SHELTER IN PLACE IS STRESSFUL FOR ALL OF US. Especially for moms. Most of us want to be more relaxed and "roll with it," but it seems like there are 643 reasons why we can't. Slowing down and appreciating where you are is easier than you think.
4 Ways To Effectively WFH During Isolation & Lockdown
I’VE GOT SOME GOOD NEWS. Now that we've updated our bios to include "works from home," it's time to figure out how to do it well — especially if your family or roommate is bumping around the house all day. If you're stressed, exhale.
On Body Dysmorphia and Motherhood
BODY DYSMORPHIA is a struggle I rarely talk about outside of my own head, but over the past two years, I made such emotional (and physical) progress it stunned me. From starvation to exercise bulimia to hating every inch of my body, my life was ruled by my disorders.
Save Your Sanity While You Shelter In Place
STRATEGIES LISTED HERE WERE were written during the early days of the pandemic, but they all remain valuable tools for working from home while parenting—if you’re looking to lower your stress, keep reading.
10 Tips To Shelter In Place With Kids
WHETHER YOUR HOMESCHOOLING, DEALING WITH BORED KIDS DURING SUMMER VACATION, or simply trying to manage parenting stress, you’ll find these easy-to-implement suggestions your lifeline.
Manage Expectations While Living Your Life At The Pace Of Toddlers
LIFE BALANCE LESSONS MY CLIENTS HAVE TAUGHT ME. Her family doesn't wake up and make big plans for the day. With four kids in tow, they know their days, hours and even seconds are unpredictable and distracted. She lives life at the pace of toddlers…
Living In A Body & Youth-Obsessed Society
WE ALL HAVE DEMORALIZING INNER MONOLOGS that torpedo our self-worth—especially women. After I hit 50, my anxiety rose, and I feared being seen as a frumpy middle-aged mom. At the same time, I also feared being overlooked.
How To Scroll Instagram Without Feeling Like A Failure
ON BEING AUTHENTIC IN A PINTEREST PERFECT WORLD. There’s an unspoken drive for perfection that has been quietly conditioning us moms to find our parenting, children, and homes to be “less than.” But it doesn’t have to continue. Change starts with what you post…
How To Master The Unexpected
ON LOSING MY FATHER AND GAINING PERSPECTIVE. Our kids are the key to many life lessons and learning to live with less control is one of the most difficult and at the same time most rewarding…
Caving To The In Crowd - Us. Not them.
HOW TO MAKE PARENTING DECISIONS ON THE FLY. Every time we decide it's easier to let our kids play first-person shooter games or watch 13 Reasons without trusting our gut (or the research), we are inadvertently giving into and giving strength to peer pressure — Ours, not theirs.
Culture, Kavanaugh, and Change (repost)
PARENTS, IT’S ON US TO BREAK THE CYCLE. When I was 13, I got my first real job and my first taste of sexual harassment. I was in the back office being interviewed by a 30ish-year-old man by the name of Bill. His first name is burned on my brain.
Let Them Be Little
ON LEARNING TO LET GO. There will come a day when he will be the largest thing in the kitchen. When using the cabinet as a stepping stool won’t be necessary. When he’s called upon to grab something off of the top shelf.
Forging Friendships After Motherhood
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR TRIBE. We receive daily reminders we’re missing out on something. Headlines equating happiness with friendships clog our social feeds, shouting about the importance of “squads” or “clans” or “soul sisters.” But when you’re a busy mom, finding your tribe is easier said than done.
Why You Won't Find Motherhood Balance with New Year's Resolutions
FIND YOUR BEAUTY. FIND YOUR SANITY. You don’t need a New Year’s resolution to make lasting change. What you do need is the desire to create the life you want. A less stressful, more joyful life that has you climbing into bed each night feeling content.
On Failing to Raise the Next Doris Day
A REALITY FLICK IN THE FOREHEAD. After years of gentle urging, I had an epiphany: I’m not encouraging my kids to pursue their passions. I’m pushing them to do something that I wish I had done. That the tap-dancing Betty White side of me wishes I had done…
How To Be Okay With Less-Than-Stellar Mommy Moments
THAT ONE SUMMER I LOST MY SH*T ON MY KIDS. School starts soon, and my kids have been like two little peas in a pod... you know, the kind who snuggle and play but also knock each other in the back of the head for no reason. It's been a good summer. But something happened the other day…
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